Thursday, December 20, 2012


I apologize for not blogging last week -- Hanukkah usually doesn’t get very busy around my house but this year we had a lot of guests passing through.

My mother gives my brother and I each a few small gifts for the holiday, and one of the gifts I got (after asking for it a million times) was Eminem’s Recovery CD.

Slim and Hallie
I am conflicted about my love for Eminem, and especially the way he has inspired Late Bloomers. 

I hate that his music is violent, and I hate that the violence is usually directed towards women (I have a hard time listening to Stan all the way through). It would appear Mr. Eminem, as MJ used to call him, goes against many of the things I strongly believe in.

However, I admire his honesty. When I listen to his music, I believe what he says. He reveals himself through his art honestly, and it takes courage to do that. I also like listening to him because he makes me consider the role of autobiography in art, which is something I have given some thought to when it comes to my own collection of short stories. I have asked myself how much I should let my own personal experience be part of the collection, in addition to all the inteviews I have conducted. 

I am also very interested in and impressed by and in love with his brilliance as a lyricist. I love how he can make the word fuck sound beautiful, and the world love sound evil.

Well, I am going to listen to the CD now again for the fiftieth time since I’ve gotten it. I can’t get enough of the real Silm Shady.

p.s. It’s not on Recovery but listen to When I’m Gone, and watch the video. His best work in my opinion.

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